
Redemptions form a pivotal aspect of Beraborrow's operations, allowing users to convert $NECT into Collateral at an exact dollar equivalent value.

  • Process: The redemption mechanism is straightforward. For an x amount of $NECT, users receive an x dollar worth of Collateral in return.

  • Fee Structure: The redemption process includes an algorithmic fee, calculated as per the formula: For the sake of simplicity, we will use $iBGT in this example but the process is the same for all collateral assets.

Redemption Fee=(baseRate+0.5%)×Amount of iBGT drawn\text{Redemption Fee} = (\text{baseRate} + 0.5\%) \times \text{Amount of iBGT drawn}

E.g. with a 1% redemption fee and iBGT valued at $500, redeeming 100 $NECT would result in receiving 0.198 iBGT (0.2 iBGT - 0.002 iBGT as the redemption fee).

  • Impact on Base Rate: Significant redemption transactions affect the base rate, influencing future redemption fees.

The baseRate is a dynamic variable that increments with each redemption and decays towards zero over a 24-hour half-life. The formula for the baseRate adjustment upon redemption is:

baseRateNew=baseRateOld+(redeemedNect2×total NECT)\text{baseRate}_{ \text{New}} = \text{baseRate}_{\text{Old}} + \left( \frac{\text{redeemedNect}}{2 \times \text{total NECT}} \right)
Impact On Base Rate Over Time With no Redemptions

Borrower’s Technical Perspective on Redemptions

  • Impact on Borrowers: In the event of a redemption against a borrower's Den, there's no net monetary loss. However, the iBGT exposure of the borrower decreases while the collateral ratio of the Den improves.

  • Avoiding Redemption: To minimise the risk of their Dens being chosen for redemption, borrowers should maintain a high collateral ratio. Dens with lower collateral ratios are the first to be targeted in redemption events, as redemptions take place against the Dens with the lowest collateral ratio.

Last updated