Key features

Instant Liquidity:

Unlock liquidity against your Bearachain assets without selling them. By depositing collateral into Dens, users can mint Nect, Beraborrow's over-collateralised stablecoin, and continue to hold their original assets. Seamlessly transition from borrowing to utilising $NECT across various protocols.

Automated Leverage:

Using flash loans, Beraborrow offers users seamless on-chain leverage. With just a simple slider, users can lever up their positions and maximise exposure or yield, all while the system automatically handles the complexity of leverage. (COMING THOON)

Earn yield from liquidations:

Maximize the potential of your $NECT stablecoin holdings by participating in the Liquid stability pool. By staking $NECT, you can earn additional yield from liquidations, and fees generated by others using Beraborrow.

Auto-Compounding Dens:

Dens now feature auto-compounding, meaning that users can automatically reinvest their earnings into iBGT, increasing their collateral ratio over time. This creates a self-sustaining mechanism for maximising yield on deposited assets.

Tokenised Dens:

With the introduction of tokenised Dens, Beraborrow unlocks new governance and incentive possibilities. These tokenised assets can be deposited into Infrared vaults, with emissions from those vaults automatically restaked, providing continuous rewards and an ever-improving collateral position.

LP Positions as Collateral:

Beraborrow allows users to deposit their Bex and Berps LP positions as collateral, giving them the ability to borrow against their liquidity positions while continuing to earn yield. This dual benefit of liquidity access and yield generation creates additional value for users who participate in liquidity pools.

Arbitrage Strategies:

Beraborrow’s Liquid Stability Pool offers users opportunities to profit from price discrepancies between liquidated assets in the pool and those on decentralised exchanges. By using $sNECTand arbitraging between the two, users can maximise returns while supporting the protocol’s solvency.

Last updated