Auto Compounding Vaults
This strategy outlines how users can make use of Beraborrow's auto compounding vaults feature in order to maximize their proof of liquidity based emissions.
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This strategy outlines how users can make use of Beraborrow's auto compounding vaults feature in order to maximize their proof of liquidity based emissions.
Last updated
The general workflow is as follows:
Users can deposit the aforementioned tokens (and more) into Beraborrow vaults
These positions are automatically staked with Infrared, to earn iBGT rewards
These accrued iBGT rewards are then staked to earn additional yield (using our custom keeper bots)
Accrued rewards iBGT+staking rewards are periodically used to purchase more LP tokens, increasing the users' position (this takes place during every 'rebalance' call from our keeper bot, called roughly every 4-10 mins)
Deposit Fee
Fee for depositing into Beraborrow's auto compounding vaults
Withdrawal Fee
Fee on withdrawing from Beraborrow's auto compounding vaults
1) Use a DEX, or DEX aggregator, such as ooga booga ( to swap assets into the target tokens of interest. For instance, a user might want to swap some BERA to a mixture of HONEY and USDC:
2) Then, the user can add liquidity in order to receive the corresponding LP receipt token. An example of this with the BEX HONEY-USDCe LP pair is shown in the image below:
BEX pools can be found here:
3) Finally, the user can navigate themselsves to the Beraborrow vault page, and stake the corresponding LP receipt token (or iBGT) through the Beraborrow interface: